🎁 Des cadeaux 100% de chez nous. Merci de choisir l'achat local 🎁
Livraison gratuite dès 90$ d'achat au Québec et en Ontario (sauf régions éloignées)
Nous vous offrons le meilleur du Québec depuis 2015 😉Les cadeaux gourmands originaux sont ici

Sales of gourmet gifts allow us to finance our Fund with which we award scholarships to support projects encouraging young people's academic perseverance .

Through food, young people understand the world in which they live and reflect on origin of food to make informed choices , such as using less sugar and ultra-processed products, and more fresh and local products.

Food is the unifying means par excellence, which is part of our history, our families, our culture.

A call for projects is launched in the fall. The selection committee, made up of several personalities from the business, communications and gastronomy sectors, makes its choices in January and February. Scholarships are distributed in February-March.

10 scholarships (total amount: $15,600) were awarded for the 2022-2023 season.
Next call for projects: Fall 2024